Privacy Policy
1. Please use the following form to make your inquiry about our products or services, or careers with us, or to send your request for quotations related to our products.
2. Except as provided for in all applicable laws, no personal data provided in the form will be used or disclosed without your consent, for any purpose except in connection with responding to your inquiry, or improving our operational activities or delivery of services from us to you.
3. Please address each point in the form (points marked with * are required), otherwise we may not respond to you.
4. In order to carry out our operational activities in a smooth and effective manner, we may retain a service provider which executes a Master Service Agreement and a Non-disclosure Agreement with us to handle personal data so provided, for as long as is necessary for accomplishing the use purposes hereof.
5. We will regard and retain as confidential your personal data provided by you to prevent unauthorized access to, and loss or alteration of personal data by any third parties.
6. For any request for disclosure, correction, or deletion of your personal data, or any inquiry as regards our handling of personal data, please contact us at the address listed below.
7. Our Website does not use any technology called cookies.
8. In reading this, you hereby agree that we may not respond to you for any inquiry that is made for your own commercial activities or other
Personal information protection manager
OSP (THAILAND) CO.,LTD. In charge: Naofumi Shibuya